Letter: State should help get E15 to retailers’ pumps

While we may not be able to control global events that drive up fuel costs, we can protect our energy independence with homegrown fuel.

In fact, American-made ethanol reduced U.S. crude oil imports by over 600 million barrels in 2023 alone.

Greater access to E15, a 15 percent ethanol blend, could help Ohio to build on that progress, while saving drivers big money at the pump.

Already, our state biofuel sector supports more than 15,000 jobs and $1.4 billion in annual economic output. With support from lawmakers in Columbus, we could open more markets to lower-cost fuel options made right here in the Buckeye State.

The Ohio House has already done its part, passing House Bill 324, legislation that will help more retailers offer E15 at the pump. The bill is now awaiting action in the state Senate, and I urge Sen. Matt Huffman to work with his colleagues to quickly send it to the governor’s desk.

Statewide access to E15 will be good for Ohio drivers, Ohio farmers and American energy security.

Denny Vennekotter


Vennekotter is president of the Ohio Corn & Wheat Growers Association.


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