Letter: Enforce vicious dog laws

I read in The Lima News that city council will revisit the viscous-dog law. Why doesn’t the police and sheriff enforce the laws pertaining to owning the pit’s?

These dogs must be kept in a 6-foot fenced in yard, muzzled while walking, and owners must carry insurance on them.

We all know it’s drug dealers and dog fighters who train these creatures to be mean and I have no doubt the dog that attacked the officer and other people in the neighborhood was a fighter dog. In all respect for the law here in Lima, I lived on South Main Street for 8 years and saw guys walking the pits right down the street without a muzzle. Police and sheriff would go by and not stop. I know they are busy but The people are breaking a law and need to be punished. I know families that have pit’s and follow the law, but they will have to sacrifice a member of their family,(their pet) due to the others. Please,make those that deal drugs and fight the dogs get time in jail.

— Ginger Woods, Lima