
As we all figured Hillary Clinton is going to get away with her lying, cheating and covering up without being held accountable for any of it. All we can hope for now is that people are smart enough not to vote her in as president.

People have to realize that the Democratic Party is not what it used to be when it worked for the poor and minority groups. What have they done the past several years? They haven’t raised people out of poverty or created better paying jobs. It gives money to other countries instead of helping our own starving people, not to mention ignoring our veteran needs. It creates health insurance that causes people to lose their doctors, pay more for coverage, put our country in debt trillions of dollars, and gives money to Iran, a country that has already said they would cause destruction of the USA.

I consider myself a Republican, but unlike a lot of people that vote strictly for their party, I vote for the person I feel will do the best job.

The Republican reportedly will not let Donald Trump get the Republican ticket. Well of course they don’t want him because he won’t stand for the government cartel that has sat back and let this country crumble. They know he has the knowledge and the right people to help him get this country back on the right track.

Take a stand. Vote for the person running for president, not because of the party, the color of the skin or the gender, but because of their knowledge and bargaining skills. Make this country great again.

— Joyce Miller, Lima