
Letter: Putnam Council on Aging a true asset

In the spring of 2016, my parents, Leonard and Leona, made the decision to give up their keys and no longer drive. As a...

Letter: Cheney sounds like Trump

Mayor Berger has been a steady hand in times of crisis. That is what people should be looking for in a mayor. While Cheney...

Letter: Mayor unites, Cheney divides

Letters have been received saying rent may be raised if some rental housing legislation in Lima is passed. I have also received literature saying...

Letter: Berger helps middle class

I read an article titled, “We love Lima, but must re-evaluate its progress.” It talks about tour community and the things we can be...

Letter: Cheney ad is poisonous

Scare me. Scare you. Bash our City. Bash the work of our Lima Police Department. And please, please scare the bejesus out of me...

Letter: Neeper has desire to serve

As a resident and business owner in the City of Lima and Allen County, I highly recommend Jon Neeper for Lima City Council’s 7th...

Letter: Berger has saved jobs

As the President of the Lima-Troy UAW CAP Council, it bestows on me the responsibility of working with our members to address the needs...

Letter: Enough’s enough: No to RTA tax

The RTA is an example of government expanding its cradle to grave services which includes food, medical care, housing, counseling, clothes, public service announcements….the...

Letter: Cheney will make Lima safe again

Thank you Keith Cheney for giving us a qualified choice for mayor.After 28 years I realize it is time for change.A time to elect...

Letter: Magnus right choice for 1st Ward

I grew up on the north end of Lima and still have family that lives there. I’m writing this because I’ve read things I...