
Letter: Questions about wind turbines

In response to The Lima News editorial on wind turbine setback policy, here are some questions to consider:I would like someone to name one...

Letter: Somewhere over the rainbow

If everyone had this knowledge in our world, there would be world peace. Facts from a brain scientist:“As members of the same human species,...

Letter: Conversation about guns

In the wake of the shooting in Florida, I wonder: Could we have a conversation about guns? Could residents of Allen and Hardin counties...

It is my hope and desire that guns will never be introduced into the school environment as suggested by many in the legislative political...

Letter: A resource to stop school violence

Our schools have become free fire zones. The “No Guns Allowed” signs on the door are just invitations to enter and begin shooting. Maniacs...

Letter: Race for ratings exploits victims

The journalists’ ink is barely dry, tears still wet our cheeks, and anger and sadness compete for space within us.From this, we adults conform...

Letter: Commissioners speak with forked tongues

I am very concerned about the double speak coming from the Allen County commissioners.On Jan. 16, it was reported that the county commissioners planned...

Letter: Teach our kids to think

As a 12- to 15-year old newspaper carrier, I delivered The Lima News from 1968 to the 1970s in the Shawnee Road, Wilson Avenue...

Letter: What makes someone kill?

The paragraphs below are from a newspaper article in Canada, which has some of the strictest gun control laws known. It is in reference...

Put prayer back in schools

I’m wondering what will it take for parents and students stand up and ask to put prayer back in schools. I believe if you...