
Letter: Your mother must be proud

I would like to thank the young gentleman who paid my entire drug bill while I was in Rite Aid on Shawnee Road. You...

Letter: Clarifying loans, work done for The 318

I would like to clarify some of Gary McPheron’s comments in The Lima News (“Middle finger to Lima workers,” Oct. 20).Mr. McPheron needs to...

Letter: Sports missed great game

Oh c’mon, sports editors!There were articles and columns in Sunday’s sports section about every manner of football game, golf, auto racing, cross-country and probably...

Letter: It’s my right to own guns

I do not need a reason to own firearms. It is my right. The second amendment protects that right.I watched a few minutes of...

Letter: Headline knocking Trump laughable

Seeing the headline in The Lima News made me laugh out loud — “Trump’s presidency in peril.”Seriously?With all the accomplishments of the past 2...

Letter: Science and the role of evolution

This letter is in response to the Oct. 12 letter in The Lima News, “What science should know.”I hope I am not reading too...

Letter: Middle finger to Lima workers

As a longtime resident of Lima’s 2nd Ward, I am disappointed and maddened to find my councilman Sam McLean was involved in undermining the...

Letter: No more plea deals

I among many of my peers would like to pose to the judge of Allen County Common Pleas Court and to the prosecutors who...

Leter: Tell me hiring won’t be rigged

Treasurer, auditor … not even sure which job is actually open.I am, however, quite confident that King Keith has the name (hmmm!) already chosen...

Letter: How in America could that happen?

In the 1700’s, people were brought to this country in chains and forced to work for free labor and we look back and wonder...