
Letter: Sold out by the Senate

What a very sad day for all Americans: The Republican-controlled Senate sold us out.They gave all the power to this president. I guess they...

Letter: Right doesn’t matter to Rob Portman.

By voting to acquit this president, Rob Portman voted to obliterate the checks and balances that our democracy is founded on. It’s a cowardly...

Letter: Ada doesn’t want to be known as a stinking town

Ada is a nice rural town, a rare gem. We depends on ours council members to research, ask questions and to seek the truth...

Letter: Bring back my Republican Party

I’m a lifelong Republican and I don’t recognize the party anymore. Donald Trump is a bully who attacks people daily on twitter calling them...

Letter: Civic Center deserves thorn

The Lima Civic Centers choice to bring George Lopez to Lima is truly a thorn worthy candidate! The fact that they chose a man...

Letter: Some people need more

Lima has a drug and alcohol problem, wouldn’t you agree? We know that drugs and alcohol also lead to criminal activity, destroy families and...

Letter: Beth Seibert has solid record

I am writing to give my impressions of Beth Seibert, candidate for Allen County commissioner.While Mayor of Fort Shawnee, I interacted with Ms. Seibert...

Letter: Gun legislation that makes sense

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has backed legislation by Senator Matt Dolan of Chagrin Falls that will help ensure the safety of Ohioans. This bill...


The Democrats have spent three years trying to dig up dirt against the president in a “get Trump” campaign costing taxpayers billions and using...


Separation of Church and State is a lie!The Lima News ran an opinion piece from the Los Angeles Times on Monday stating that the...