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Letter: New pool great, but what happened to Schoonover?


We have been without a pool since 2019. The new Lima Aquatic Center is not set to be complete till 2025; we will be five full years without a pool.

Letter: Elida’s transgender bathroom policy bound to hurt school


It did not surprise me to see that the new Elida school board members introduced a change to the bathroom policy, as that is what they campaigned on to win the seats to the board. Adding it as a “last-minute addition” was very clever, which surprised the other members who asked that it be tabled until the next meeting.

Letter: Gratitude for the person who shoveled sidewalk


I would like to thank the person that shoveled my walk.

Today’s editorial cartoons


A look at today’s editorial cartoons:

Letter: Seed oils bring their own list of concerns


This is in rebuttal to Deb Balser’s “Best cooking fats for healthy cholesterol levels,” published Jan. 6.

Today’s editorial cartoons


A look at today’s editorial cartoons:

Elyria Chronicle: Courts, not lawmakers, should decide abortion cases


Most people recognize that the proper place to sort out legal disputes is in the courtroom.

Today’s editorial cartoons


A look at today’s editorial cartoons:

Today’s editorial cartoons


A look at today’s editorial cartoons:

Today’s editorial cartoons


A look at today’s editorial cartoons: