
Letter: Stienecker prepared for job

After serving as Auglaize County Coroner for over 35 years, I have learned that experience is probably one of the most important qualifications for...

Letter: Like Reagn, like Jordan

Years ago my husband and I were involved with the campaign to elect Ronald Reagan as president.Now comes along another gentleman in the same...

Letter: History shows Biden poor record

During the 2009 swine flu pandemic, the Obama administration told states to shut down their testing. Biden’s top advisor at the time has acknowledged...

Letter: Help the elderly with your vote

The Auglaize County Council on Aging will have a one-mill 5-year renewal levy on the election ballot Nov 3. We have been giving direct...

Letter: Prepare for worst with Trump

Now that the entire country can see first-hand that Super-Spreader Trump doesn’t care about anyone but himself, it’s time to let the adults, by...

Letter: Bath should welcome change

I have lived in Bath Township my entire life. What Bath Township needs is choices and opportunities on our side of town. We need...

Letter: Trump, Beck won’t go wrong

I proudly stood in line at the board of elections office and waited to cast my votes for Donald Trump and Dan Beck. Trump...

Letter: COVID-19 Fatality Rates

Google shows Allen County with 72 COVID-19 deaths (105,000 population) and Hancock County with 14 COVID-19 deaths (76,000 population).Perhaps knowledgeable people aught to study...

Letter: Vote for Trump, vote for America

First, our freedoms are being taken away by forcing us to wear masks that take away our identity. Then another freedom is taken away...

Letter: Voter apathy matters

The commissioner race in Allen County is interesting. Seibert was selected over two businessmen and three other candidates in the Republican Primary election; garnering...