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Today’s editorial cartoons


A look at today’s editorial cartoons:

Letter: Family, friends didn’t need to see details of murder


I am writing to express my anger, shock and disappointment about the vivid details included in reporting the indictments in the stabbing death of Lucinda “Cindy” Wright.

Letter: America needs younger presidential candidates


Bill Clinton became president 31 years ago. He left the Oval Office 23 years ago. President Clinton is still younger than President Biden or President Trump.

Today’s editorial cartoons


A look at today’s editorial cartoons:

Letter: Trump’s own words should make GOP question him


Here’s another brief sampling of Donald Trump’s quotes. He really said it; you can look it up.

Letter: Democrats must find way to ease Biden out


After witnessing the catastrophe of President Joe Biden’s retort of the special counsel review, it is plain to see the Democrats are in deep trouble.

Letter: Offering a simple tutorial on how inflation works


What an around-the-mulberry bush explanation for inflation. It doesn’t matter which party is in the White House.

Today’s editorial cartoons


A look at today’s editorial cartoons:

Letter: Seniors, demand politicians help out about drug costs


Why is it that no politician tries to get the senior vote? Do we not count?

Today’s editorial cartoons


A look at today’s editorial cartoons: