
Letter: Yes, make America great

In response to the article published Sept. 2 in The Lima News about praying to end racism. I disagree with the presenter in her...

Letter: Never forget: Trump vs McCain

In the light of the revelation of Donald Trump’s denigration of American soldiers that made the ultimate sacrifice in WWII — his calling them...

Letter: Driving in Lima Ohio

If you watch people driving in Lima, you will see almost everyone is driving seven miles per hour over the speed limit.Police are not...

Letter: Grindrod series heart-warming

I would like to express my deep admiration of the three-part series “Enduring Pony League Memories, a 50th Anniversary” by John Grindrod.It sweetly and...

Letter: Vote no, save Lost Creek

Lost Creek homeowners have obtained the needed signatures to place a referendum on the November ballot so all of Bath Township can vote and...

Letter: Was it covid or old age?

On Sept. 1, Allen County reported one new death attributed to COVID-19 in the 24-hour period ending at 2 p.m. Tuesday.The new death was...

Letter: Take off the blinders

It is hard to understand the continuing attractiveness of the Democrat Party to …• African Americans — who have regularly voted Democrat control of...

Letter: Suppport our local police

Show support for all law enforcement officers. Put a blue bulb in your porch light.Millie Fisher, Elida .neFileBlock { margin-bottom: 20px; } .neFileBlock p { margin: 0px 0px 0px...

Letter: Get-it-done attitude

For more than 100 years, Building Trades unions have built the greater Lima region safely and with pride. This Labor Day, the Lima Building...

Letter: No need to steal Trump sign

To the person who stole the Trump sign from my yard: You didn’t need to steal it, all you had to do was go...