
Letter: Kelly Anspaugh fired a bull’s-eye

As a long-time subscriber to The Lima News and an avid follower of the Letter to the Editor (Your View) feature, I have read...

Letter: Mary Poppins ‘Over the top good’

My wife and I had the pleasure of viewing the Elida High School presentation of “Mary Poppins.” This was “over the roof tops” good....

Letter: How do we explain shootings?

Civilized people around the world, from Western Europe through Russia and China to Japan, open their daily newspapers and read about a teenager in...

Letter: Spring forward and fall back

As Ronald Reagan used to say, “Here we go again.” Here we go again with another bi-annual fiddling with the clocks. It’s an ornerous...

Letter: America needed me but I failed her

Dear America:I am so sorry that I and a lot of other people have failed you. Years go I and many others let “one”...

A real treat at Encore

Encore Theater’s production of “Almost Maine” is a delightfully quirky look at love. It is thought-provoking and silly at the same time as it...

Letter: Hypocritical inaction by GOP

Why the stone-cold silence from the GOP Leadership on President Trump’s actions?Are there no statesmen or stateswomen in the Republican Party?If a Democratic president...

Letter: Encore’s “Almost, Maine” is beyond almost good!

The audience of Encore Theater’s opening night of “Almost, Maine” became an un-credited character when their laughter pushed the storylines of the romantic comedy...

Letter: Islam is not a religion

This is in response to Al O’Dell’s letter March 5th “Belief Systems Help Us Thrive.” O’Dell erroneously listed Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as the...

Letter: Lima has true blessing

It is my pleasure to be one of the many volunteers for the Lima Civic Center and to share with your readers about the...