
Letter: Waiting would be costly for Elida

On Tuesday our community will have the opportunity to vote for the bond issue for the new Elida Elementary School building. We have heard...

Letter: Sheriffs back Jon Cross

It is amazing to see the vicious attacks perpetrated on the true, new conservative candidates by the establishment conservatives, through the so called Conservative...

Letter: Spencer’s record fiscally responsible

I offer my endorsement of Doug Spencer for Auglaize County Commissioner. I taught with Mr. Spencer at Memorial High School. I have had numerous...

Letter: Spencer’s record fiscally responsible

I offer my endorsement of Doug Spencer for Auglaize County Commissioner. I taught with Mr. Spencer at Memorial High School. I have had numerous...

Letter: Manchester true conservative

This letter is to encourage voters in the 84th district to support Susan Manchester for state representative on May 8th.Darke, Mercer, Shelby, and Auglaize...

Letter: Why Elida Schools are overcrowded

I keep reading one of the reasons Elida needs a new school is because of overcrowding. This has resulted in the need for modular...

Letter: Kohlrieser has legal, people skills

I have known Terri Kohlrieser both professionally and personally for more than 10 years.As an assistant prosecutor, Terri has been prepared, methodical and tenacious...

Letter: Issue 1 about fair elections

You can help end partisan gridlock in Washington by voting “yes” on Issue 1 on May 8.Issue 1 is a ballot initiative that would...

Letter: Kohlrieser has vast experience

I met Terri Kohlrieser when I was a first year law school student and was struggling with concepts in a civil law class. Terri...

Letter: No need for rude lawmaker

My father and mother came from a long line of truthful, hardworking farmers and teachers. Dad always said “If you can’t say anything good,...