
Letter: Electoral College cheats America

Our founding fathers used phrases: “We the people” and “government of the people, by the people and for the people.” Then they violated those...

Letter: Honest man a fire victim

Don Stratton had an interesting article in the December 27 Lima News. I hope you read it. The Greek philosopher Diogenes was always searching...

Letter: Divided we fall, not stand

On Jan. 10, 1963, Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr. of Florida read a list of 45 Communist goals into the Congressional Record. Unfortunately all of...

Letter: Trump has no bounds

I recently read where Donald — our good ol’ boy … make America great again — president has had more than 16 private conversations...

Letter: Divided we stand

Did you ever notice those tabloids in the checkout line never have our President on the their cover. Reason, it doesn’t sell magazines!What will...

Letter: Intervention from Santa

‘Twas the night before impeachment and all through the house, its creatures were stirring as Dems screamed jailhouse,Their stockings were hung with coal within,...

Letter: What’s next? Memorial Hall

December 20 was a sad day for Lima. Another piece of our history was destroyed.Gone!The colonnade tumbled over 115 years after craftsmen remodeled the...

Letter: The teflon Donald

I’ve heard Donald Trump’s defenders complain that his impeachment is totally illegitimate as he is being persecuted simply for having “policy differences” with the...

Letter: by power

Reading this novel (fiction) wiwth references to White Nationalist, Nazi skin heads, and Christian hate groups, I researched to see if they’re active groups....

Letteer: Americans for president Trump

I am ofended! Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty. This impeachment has been a witch-hunt and kangaroo court!Where is the justice?The Democrats are...