
Letter: Answers needed about Lima water

The Lima News released a now vanished report from the EPA about how Lima water has been out of compliance for the last 10...


Lost!The old Democrat party.If found, please return to me.I don’t know where it is, but my parents always taught me to vote for the...

Letter: Letter not mine, I back Dan Beck

A letter in the Your View column on the Opinion page in Wednesday’s newspaper was said to be written by me, Alton Stephens. I...

Letter: Jordan a ‘yes man’ for Donald Trump

Constituents of the 4th Ohio Congressional District (known as the gerrymandered duck) need to say no to Jim Jordan and say yes to Shannon...

Letter: What your support of Trump says

As I drive to work or other areas I see the signs for President Trump. Keep in mind this is my opinion. When we...

Letter: Take offense to reparations

After reading Leslie J. Kubinski’s letter on the Oct. 24 Opinion page, I was moved to reply to his reparation suggestion. My first thought...

Letter: Trump stokes fears of a rigged election

Our president is elected and sworn to defend and protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Over the past several months I...

Letter: Forget Bath, annex to Lima

I own property in Bath overlay project. The township advised us residents of Lost Creek to annex into the city of Lima in 2018....

Letter: Critical time fighting virus

As an Ohio physician, I feel a responsibility to write to you today as COVID-19 case numbers in every corner of the state increase...

Letter: He who pays calls the shots

The more we hear the Democrats platform the more everyone should realize what our country could become in years ahead.Their plan to change America...