
Letter: VFW would’ve helped with Honor Flight


In response to the letter printed in your letters to the editor from Karen Garland, regarding the VFW and the dinner requested for the Honor Flight Veterans:

Letter: Sreenan will bring the change we need


Please vote for Dr. JJ Sreenan as your next State of Ohio District 78 representative.

Letter: Transgenderism leads down a difficult path


In a recent letter in The Lima News, Robert Dotson was upset with Mark Figley’s objection to schools putting period products in male restrooms.

Letter: Sreenan’s experiences make him right choice


Dr. JJ Sreenan, a conservative Republican, is our choice for state representative. Please join us in voting for him in the Aug. 2nd primary.

Letter: Figley, Republicans shouldn’t worry about bathrooms


In a recent column in The Lima News, Mark Figley was upset that schools in the state of Oregon were putting period products in the male restrooms. I can not understand Republicans’ obsession with what other people are doing in bathrooms.

Letter: Concerned about practices at Children Services


I am responding in guarded fashion about a provocative social services practice in Allen County, specifically those concerns aired by Nadia Lampton, the former Allen County Children Services board president.

Letter: Many differences between ethanol and solar farming


In reference to the article in The Lima News on June 18 (Farming for energy would be good thing) by Michael Wildermuth, farming for energy is a good thing, but let’s get all the facts involved in the decision-making of how the farming is being performed.

Letter: Cupp, Huffman should be ashamed over redistricting


An open letter to Matt Huffman and Robert Cupp and members of the Redistricting Committee:

Deadline for election letters


The deadline is noon Thursday, July 28 for having election-related letters printed in the Your View feature of The Lima News for the Aug. 2 election.

Letter: Don’t use Bible to defend limiting women’s rights


In reply to my critics who are offended by my stance toward womanhood and use quotes like the prophet Jeremiah, “I knew you before you were born in your mother’s womb” or of all things, Luke 11:41, “John still unborn, heard Mary’s voice he leaped for joy” and finally others, “the Lord grieves as millions of unborn children’s blood cries out from the ground.”