
Letter: Putin treated better than Americans

Ted Cruz, John McCain, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Marco Rubio, Pope Francis, Paul Ryan, Chuck Schumer, Lindsey Graham, Jeb Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Vladimir...

Letter: Women’s March was about hate

On Jan. 11, an article in The Lima News noted that two buses from Bluffton were taking people to Women’s March in Washington D.C....

Letter: C’mon liberals, it’s your turn to suffer

As I watch the outpouring of angst, dismay, and wringing of hands from liberals who couldn’t wait for their anointed one to win the...

Letter: Hurting Trump hurts America

I have to speak out. I think the Democrats are acting terribly by boycotting all nominations for cabinet positions. It would be understandable if...

Letter: Let’s be fair to immigrants

President Trump you won. Now it’s time to deliver. Always remember and never forget that united we are strong and divided we are weak....

Letter: 365 days later, if I only knew then

In memory of my husband Larry, gone 365 days, and the other 250,000 Americans who die each year from “medical blunders” and “safety lapses,”...

Letter: Who is to blame? Look in mirror

In light of recent happenings in and around Lima with our young people, who is to blame for the crimes with guns; the shootings...

Letter: Be cautious about rights

With all the furor over President Trump’s orders about immigration and race in general, we can forget that we have a legal responsibility to...

Letter: What Portman’s not telling you

U.S. Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, recently endorsed the controversial Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education with the following press release: “I support Betsy DeVos...

Letter: We’re waiting, (and waiting) on Jordan’s health-care plan

I noticed an advertisement in The Lima News (2/1/2017) bragging that Jim Jordan had a plan for better health-care than the Affordable Care Act...