
Letter: Hollenbacher served Bath well

Thank you Roy Hollenbacher, for serving the residents of Bath Township for the past 20 years. Your passion for creating a better quality of...

Letter: No fake prisons for Trump gang

We now know for a fact that several members of PresidentTrump’s campaign and advisory staff were well paid Russian agents.The president’s campaign chairman, Paul...

Letter: Trump acting suspiciously

To quote Shakespeare, “The lady doth protest too much, me thinks.” Unlike Hamlet’s mother, I am not referring to an actress, but rather the...

Letter: Son’s story shouldn’t tarnish his father

When I was 14 years old, my 39-year-old father died. He was a farmer, worked at Ford Motor Co., and owned and operated his...

Letter: Who has done more than Berger?

I recently saw a commercial on television spotlighting investments going on in Lima. It talked about the new planned entrance coming into the city....

Letter: Criticism easy; action’s what counts

I support Dave Berger for mayor. I read with interest the criticism by his opponent and supporters. A guest column Saturday in The Lima...

Letter: Twisting stats fake in mayor’s race

A canvasser for Mayor Berger stopped by. We did just fine until he got to the crime claim. Crime is a very complex issue...

Letter: Where’s the beef? Not in St. Marys

St. Marys sits strategically between two county seats; strategically, because both cities should be attracted to the goods and services we, here in St....

Letter: RTA seeking more than needed

RTA is asking for a 0.25% sales tax increase. Before I vote there are some questions I feel need an answer.RTA needs 1 million...

Letter: Dog barking gone; hopefully Gordon too

People in the 1st Ward just thought you would like to know a little about Todd Gordon before you vote.Two months ago we had...