
Letter: Teresa Adams looks out for ward

We have lived in the Lima 5th Ward over 30 years as have many of our neighbors. Our Councilwomen, Teresa Adams, has represented her...

Letter: Neeper brings fresh leadership

Vote for Jon Neeper 7th ward city council.He understands the issues concerning our community and will be proactive in resolving problems and improving the...

Letter: Berger’s record one of integrity

Change for the sake of change. … when was that ever a good idea? Dave Berger, for 28 years, has served the city of...

Letter: Does Lima need a veteran or rookie?

The decision for Lima Mayor is a simple one. One candidate has no experience; Mayor Berger has 28 years experience and continues to lead...

Letter: Keith Cheney for mayor … really?

I’m confused. Mr. Cheney says Lima’s present mayor isn’t doing enough for the city, then when the mayor does something, Cheney criticizes it. I...

Letter: Walk the talk when voting

I writing to my Senators Brown and Portman, along with my Rep. Jim Jordan, in the hopes that they will hear my plea. Your...

Letter: Neeper will get job done

I am writing this letter in support of Jon Neeper for 7th Ward Council! I have known Jon for many years in both my...

Letter: Jon Neeper not a rubber stamp

Jon Neeper, my friend, is running for City Council in the Seventh Ward. Jon was born and raised in the Seventh Ward and has...

Letter: Neeper knows about service

Having known Jon and the Neeper family for decades, Jon was brought up to serve, and our community is better for his dedication and...

Letter: Time for change, time for Cheney

Well. well. well.You really do think you have done something for Lima, Mr. Berger? I have lived in Lima almost all of my life...