
Letter: Now’s the time for Lima to unite

The election is over folks.Some people are happy and some are not.Regardless of where you stood on the candidates and issues, now is not...

Letter: Doctors saved my life

I want write letter express my gratitude to Dr. Salma and Dr. Mario Ammirati at St. Rita’s neuroscience.I went into hospital for lumbar drain...

Letter: Hollenbacher served Bath well

Thank you Roy Hollenbacher, for serving the residents of Bath Township for the past 20 years. Your passion for creating a better quality of...

Letter: No fake prisons for Trump gang

We now know for a fact that several members of PresidentTrump’s campaign and advisory staff were well paid Russian agents.The president’s campaign chairman, Paul...

Letter: Trump acting suspiciously

To quote Shakespeare, “The lady doth protest too much, me thinks.” Unlike Hamlet’s mother, I am not referring to an actress, but rather the...

Letter: Son’s story shouldn’t tarnish his father

When I was 14 years old, my 39-year-old father died. He was a farmer, worked at Ford Motor Co., and owned and operated his...

Letter: Who has done more than Berger?

I recently saw a commercial on television spotlighting investments going on in Lima. It talked about the new planned entrance coming into the city....

Letter: Criticism easy; action’s what counts

I support Dave Berger for mayor. I read with interest the criticism by his opponent and supporters. A guest column Saturday in The Lima...

Letter: Twisting stats fake in mayor’s race

A canvasser for Mayor Berger stopped by. We did just fine until he got to the crime claim. Crime is a very complex issue...

Letter: Where’s the beef? Not in St. Marys

St. Marys sits strategically between two county seats; strategically, because both cities should be attracted to the goods and services we, here in St....