
Letter: A friendly note to the Class of 1971

Hello, classmates. Well, if you’re not already there, you will soon be 65. You can get on Medicare and become a ward of the...

Letter: Prayer holds answers to today’s problems

Everywhere I go, it’s the same conversation: The world is in disarray. Have you ever asked yourself, “How can I help? What can I...

Letter: Time running out to seek salvation

The end of times is in the Bible in Matthew. Read Revelations. Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. God said so.It’s good...

Letter: Both sides use same tactics in elections

I found Ron Lora’s letter on Jan. 28 to be interesting and amusing. I don’t agree with many of President Trump’s statements or his...

Letter: ‘Right to work laws’ defy common sense

You want to play a round of golf? Pay at the clubhouse. You want to go to a bar that has a live band?...

Letter: Savor the national anthem, my fellow Americans

The Fox News Channel opens its broadcast every Saturday and Sunday at 6 a.m. with the Star Spangled Banner and some patriotic shots around...

Letter: Baugh was a role model to all who got to know him

I was not aware of Jim Baugh’s passing. He was a great athlete but an even better man.He was one of my sports heroes...

Letter: Concerning light sentence for dumping tires in Lima

I’m writing this in reference to the story about a man dumping tires in south Lima.I don’t know the laws, but I wonder why...

Letter: Thank you to AEP crew

On Sunday afternoon around 4 p.m., around 800 customers near Reservoir Road lost their electric power.It was a cold, windy, snowy day, and the...

Letter: Big Brothers Big Sisters grateful for volunteers

Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Central Ohio celebrated its Bigs, volunteers and specific donors with a volunteer and donor appreciation dinner on Jan....