
Traveling this holiday? Pack your patience


If traveling this holiday season, be sure to pack your patience.

Living with Children: The problem with pull-ups


I finally tracked down the fellow who invented the so-called “pull-up.” His name is Lucapher (Big Lou) Saytan. Reputedly, Mr. Saytan lives in an underground bunker from which he develops and markets various nefarious technologies, the most notable of which are the so-called “smart”phone and video games.

Bar experts in battleground states pick their Election Night drinks


On the evening of Nov. 8, as the U.S. midterm elections wrap up, many Americans will retreat to their preferred drinking dens to celebrate victory or drown disappointment. Beverages of choice will range from Bud Lights to a lineup of very stiff martinis.

Review: ‘Foster,’ by Claire Keegan


FICTION: An impoverished young girl is sent to live with relatives and begins to learn what love is.

Pennsylvania chef Chris Scott talks the sweet and sour flavors of Amish soul food


PHILADELPHIA — Hot pepper sauce watermelon salad, a blend of the fibrous summer fruit plus a generous helping of crunchy cucumbers doused with salt, apple cider vinegar, and hot sauce, sits at the heart of chef Chris Scott’s definition of Amish soul food cooking.

The difference between Southern food and soul food? You can taste it.


VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — As slave ships crossed the Atlantic with their tragic cargo of bodies, they also carried okra, black-eyed peas, yams and rice. Africans who survived the journey planted their staples and eventually mixed them with maize and oysters from Indigenous people and sugar cane and swine from the colonizers.

Ex-etiquette: Be clear with intention with inviting friend to family Thanksgiving


Q. My adult kids think everyone I spend time with is a potential partner. No matter if I am just meeting a new male friend from my hiking group for coffee, they think it’s my next big romance, and the introductions become very awkward. I reassure them that it’s nothing, but they don’t seem to accept it. A good friend’s wife passed away three months ago. His family is stationed out of the country, and this will be his first Thanksgiving alone. I mentioned that I would like to invite him for Thanksgiving dinner and my oldest daughter had a fit. She automatically assumed he’s my new guy and does not want him sitting at our table so soon. My thoughts are we are supposed to reach out to our friends and loved ones on a holiday like Thanksgiving. But she will have none of it. What’s good ex-etiquette?

Shopping specialists offer ways to save money this holiday season


With costs high and budgets tight, it’s still possible to enjoy the holidays without spending as much.

Answer Angel: Drugstore acne patches that heal


Dear Answer Angel Ellen: I thought I was too old to have teenager-type skin problems but here I am, mid-30s with breakouts. I’ve tried my old go-tos, but I think I need heavier artillery at this point in my life. I don’t think my pimple problem is serious enough to seek out a dermatologist. Any suggestions?