Delphos council votes on ambulatory rate increases

DELPHOS — Delphos City Council voted Monday to increase the rates charged for emergency medical ambulatory services, a measure that goes back to legislation adopted in 2013.

After approving its third reading Monday, the ordinance would codify rates for emergency basic life support at $680.04 per person per conveyance, $741.85 for emergency advanced life support 1, $865.49 for emergency advanced life support 2, and $13.29 per loaded mile. This reflects a 4.7 percent increase in the Milliman Medical Index in 2016, a medical industry pricing index adopted by Delphos City Council in 2013.

“The basic reason was the annual [Consumer Price Index] price increases were not in line with the actual cost of doing business, so we looked at a different way that just looks at medical information rather than the whole economy,” city of Delphos Administrative Assistant Sherryl George said.

The MMI evaluates the cost of health care for a typical American family of four covered by employer-sponsored health insurance. According to Milliman’s website, the 4.7 percent increase in 2016 is the lowest year-to-year increase since the index was first measured in 2001. Last year, Delphos residents paid $649.51 for emergency basic life support, $708.55 for advanced life support 1, $826.64 for advanced life support 2 and $12.69 per loaded mile.

Another medical-related ordinance that was considered by Delphos City Council Monday was the second reading of a measure to purchase a 2017 Ram 5500 ambulance for $200,000. This ambulance would replace a 1989 ambulance currently a part of the three-vehicle ambulance fleet in the Delphos Fire Department.

“We were awarded a $100,000 grant through the Ohio Safety Capital Grant Program back in late March,” Delphos Safety Service Director Shane Coleman said. The rest “would be paid through the general fund.”

A third reading on this ordinance will be held at the next scheduled Delphos City Council meeting.

EMS now costs more

By Craig Kelly

[email protected]

Reach Craig Kelly at 567-242-0390 or on Twitter @Lima_CKelly.