
EcoFashion on display at Santa Clara University


SANTA CLARA, Calif. — Student models wearing recycled and reimagined clothing, and in some cases grocery bags, sauntered past audience members consisting of students, staff and faculty for the recent EcoFashion Show at Santa Clara University’s Locatelli Student Activities Center.

Ex-etiquette: If child asks you not to tell other parent something, find out why


Q. I have been divorced for six years. My son is 14. When he wants to tell me something important, he starts the sentence with, “Mom, don’t tell Dad, but…” I promise him I won’t say a thing, but I feel very guilty not letting his dad in on some of the conversations. Since my son says he prefers to be with me, the last thing I want to do is betray his trust. What’s good ex-etiquette?

Are clothing stores destined to become museum exhibits?


MINNEAPOLIS — The shirt I ordered was too big, so I had to take it back to the grocery store.

Readers are dubious about AI audiobooks


” Human readers, unite!” wrote a New Brighton, Minnesota, reader.

Five generations: Rigali matriarch


Top, left to right: Bruce Perry, Janie Burkheimer, Beth Perry; Bottom, left to tight: McKenzie Thorpe with Lukas, Rosalee Rigali, Daelyn Gable with Jeremy Jr.

On Nutrition: Readers question vitamin C, food labels


As promised for this celebration of National Nutrition Month, our first installment of questions from readers:

Which colorectal cancer screening option is for you?


Colorectal cancer is a cancer of the lower digestive system, which includes the colon and the rectum. If you feel like you are hearing a lot about this topic lately, it’s because March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. The goal is to increase awareness and encourage people 45 and over to get screened. And that doesn’t just mean a colonoscopy.

Virtual or in person: Which kind of doctor’s visit is better, and when it...


When the COVID-19 pandemic swept the country in early 2020 and emptied doctors’ offices nationwide, telemedicine was suddenly thrust into the spotlight. Patients and their physicians turned to virtual visits by video or phone rather than risk meeting face-to-face.

Mayo Clinic Q and A: Is it allergies or a sinus infection?


DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have had allergies since childhood, suffering during both the spring and fall seasons. This past month, however, I am experiencing more congestion and mucus, and I even have some facial pain. I’m beginning to wonder if my symptoms are really from allergies or if they may be caused by a sinus infection instead. How can I tell the difference?

Featured events coming up in the Lima region


Greater Allen County Blues Society Open Jam