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John Grindrod: 55 years later and still slightly left of center


It was a Tuesday’s end in early November, and I’d just left Troy heading back to Lima after doing some housekeeping inspections for my employer, Mid-American Cleaning Contractors. I figured I just might get home in time to enjoy an hour’s worth of light working of that autumnal ritual that would have mystified pioneering men of an earlier generation: chasing those leaves around and bagging them.

Legal-Ease: Nursing home planning — give house to the kids?


Our home is often our most valuable asset. Obviously, we invest a lot of money in purchasing or building our homes and often continue to make improvements during our lives.

Don Stratton: If we could just bring back Thomas Sowell


As you may have seen, The Lima News is currently conducting a survey about columnists and requesting your opinions about which writers, both currently and in the future, should be published by your newspaper. As I look online at the list of possible future columnists at LimaOhio.com/survey, many of whom I never heard of, I keep thinking of one name that is not there.

Phil Hugo: Taking the road never traveled


It’s mid-December, and my wife Karen and I are traveling Interstate 75 to Ann Arbor, Mich. The morning sky is wrapped in a blanket woven with multiple shades of gray. Our hearts, however, are like sunshine, glowing with anticipation of the day’s activities. A good day to be on the move.

Mark Figley: Document timeline is suspect


With the recent discovery of classified government documents in the possession of Joe Biden, one thing has become apparent. On the heels of concealing the damning elements associated with son Hunter Biden’s laptop computer during the 2020 presidential campaign, “Hidin’ Biden” has further mastered the art of secreting information prior to the 2022 midterm election.

Holy Cow! History: From mom to motherhood icon


Anna was a typical mom. She loved her kids with the passion found only in a mother’s heart. And something she did for her son made her an icon for mothers everywhere.

Rachel Ferguson: Racial shifts in voting — what’s in the future?


Through a phenomenon called “linked fate,” small or marginalized groups tend to vote more as a unit rather than as individuals, assuming that without doing so they may not have a loud enough voice in the political system. However, exhaustion from a series of broken promises is breaking up these long-held strongholds.

Christopher Arps: Education, crime drive Black voters to the GOP


As another Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday passes, our nation has much to celebrate as we strive toward MLK’s dream of a colorblind society.

Jerry Zezima: Three cheers for two crews


I am frequently in the dark, so I don’t have to go out on a limb to say the limb that recently fell on our power lines left me in a scary place:

David Trinko: Scan the QR code for more depth


More than 20 years ago, one of my old editors uttered words that were unthinkable: “We need to think beyond the limits of the newspaper page.”