Letter: Thieves strike garage sale

This past Friday and Saturday, my husband and I had a garage sale.

I’ve been helping run, or running my own, garage sales for more than 40 years. Never have I, or anyone in my family, who also run garage sales, had money stolen from a sale.

Saturday, my husband and I had cash stolen from our money tupper. We had two young women at our sale, who caused a bit of confusion at the checkout table, when they were purchasing their items.

One of the women held our attention at another table, while the other, apparently, stole money out of the cash tupper I had on the table. We found the behavior odd, then, in checking, found money missing from our money tupper. These two young women apparently needed the money more than they thought we, two retired, disabled folks, did.

I want to just warn those who are having yard, garage and porch sales this season: Keep an eye on your merchandise and your cash boxes. As much as we want to trust our fellow citizens, unfortunately, we cannot always do so. As I said, this is a first, so most sales go off without a hitch, but there are times when they don’t. Be aware, so your sale will go well.