
Debra-Lynn B. Hook: Christmas in the hospital


Like most mamas in their kerchiefs, I had worked for weeks to make the upcoming Christmas weekend jolly and bright for my family.

Ex-etiquette: Will her ex be an unwanted guest at party?


Q. I just broke up with my husband of four years. Christmas was rough, but most of my friends stood by me and made it bearable. New Year’s Eve is around the corner and I have been invited to a party given by a friend who was my friend first. Her husband has become my ex’s best friend and I know my ex will be there. I don’t want to see him. Should I call him and tell him not to go? What’s good ex-etiquette?

Big, bold flavors of citrus brighten winter days


In the dead of winter, citrus gives our plates one big zap of color and flavor. We deserve this in excess.

Sorry, but no one apologizes like Pennsylvanians


PHILADELPHIA — They’re sorry in Pittsburgh, chagrined in Erie, and absolutely beside themselves here in Philly.

Love bookstores? Try these novels set in bookshops around the world


There is a place in every decent-sized city where all the world’s problems could be solved, if we would pay attention.

Pregnancy, flu and importance of vaccination


A recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finds that when mothers receive the flu vaccine, their babies experience fewer hospitalizations and emergency room visits for the flu, particularly if the baby is under 3 months old or born to a mother who received the vaccine in the third trimester.

Smashing the pomegranate: a jewel of a New Year’s tradition


Have you ever seen those “enrichments” that zookeepers make for the animals? Essentially, they are puzzles filled with treats, and they’re meant to stimulate the animal’s brain in ways that mimic that of their non-captive brethren on the outside, encouraging behavior that would be natural if they lived in the wild. Foraging. Exploration. Problem solving.

Ask the Pediatrician: Here are 8 parenting goals to start the new year strong


New Year resolutions are often sweeping and grand, but often you can reap the biggest rewards by building off the strengths already in place. Helping to make your family safer, stronger and more harmonious in 2024 may not require a complete overhaul, but rather a few strategic tweaks.

Reminisce: Lima streets ‘lively with sleighs’


Winters just weren’t the old bone-chilling, snow-covered wonders of yore, the Allen County Democrat lamented a century and a half ago.

Motown tribute Prolifics to hit Old City Prime for first shows of 2024


LIMA — Old City Prime’s Upper Lounge is set to host its first shows of 2024, setting the stage for a year of big change.