On Nutrition: Farmers are incredible

I was pleased and surprised to see all the press last week about America’s farmers. Then I learned I had totally missed National Farmers Day.

Oh well, in my mind every day should be Farmers Day, since these unsung heroes care for their land and animals 24/7, 365 days a year.

If you happened to be watching football last weekend, you might have seen the short and thought-provoking television spots sponsored by Land O’Lakes, a farmer-owned co-op: “Farmers. We all know they work hard. And we all depend on them. But did you know … they are fewer than 1% of us. Yet they feed 100% of us.”

“In the next 40 years, farmers need to produce more food than in the last 10,000 years combined.”

“Ninety-eight percent of American farms are family-owned.”

True statements. Yet while organizations such as Future Farmers of America continue to encourage young people to pursue professions in agriculture, the U.S. Department of Agriculture reports that the number of farms in America has continually declined since 1935. Surprisingly, though, the average size of a farm in the U.S. has remained fairly stable, at 445 acres.

Farming and ranching is not for sissies. These families must stay educated on the science of soils and animal husbandry. They must be good stewards of the land. And they can’t close up shop to take a two-week vacation.

We live in an agricultural community. I’ve watched men wade in knee-deep snow to feed pregnant cows in the middle of a blizzard. I cried with a friend when she described how a freak hailstorm destroyed her family’s wheat crop right before harvest. And I’ve noticed how neighbors help their neighbors in any and all circumstances.

Curious to know more about the people and processes behind our food supply? Tune in to the RFD-TV channel, or check out www.rfdtv.com. From weather reports to agricultural research, the channel provides interesting facts for and about those who we depend on for sustenance.

For example, “10 Innovations that Revolutionized Agriculture” is a fascinating look at the history of how food is produced. And “Where the Food Comes From” is a new series to address a very hot topic.

Farmers need to feed their own families, too. And to stay in business, they must care for their land, crops and animals. Want it straight from the farmer’s mouth? Check out the Sustainability in Agriculture section at American Farm Bureau Federation (www.fb.org). Pretty exciting stuff.

We all eat. We all need what those in agriculture supply. Thank you, farmers, for what you do.

Barbara Quinn-Intermill is a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator affiliated with Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula. She is the author of “Quinn-Essential Nutrition” (Westbow Press, 2015). Email her at to [email protected].