
Letter: Nothing in life is free

Our children and grandchildren need to hear the following lesson loud and often, “Nothing in life is free!”Government does not “sell,” it creates no...

Opinion Baby M case: Agency doing its job; threats uncalled for

Caseworkers for Ohio’s public children services agencies strive every day to protect children from abuse and neglect, stabilize families in crisis and improve the...

Letter: Great music in our back yard

On May 7, the Lima Area Concert Band presented its first concert of the season at the Elida High School Auditorium. This concert was...

Letter: America stands tall feeding hungry

Around the world, nearly 800 million people are chronically hungry. And malnutrition kills more than 3 million children every year. Those of us who...

Letter: Atheist an asset on high court

“Democracy works best when everyone’s voice is heard” is but one of the tenets of the upcoming Reason Rally 2016 being held in Washington...

Letter: 2 Sweet 2 Be 4 Gotten

I’m writing this letter in hope that the gentleman in the Lincoln Navigator reads this column … you know who you are.You see, I...


A Bible being removed from a POW display at Wright Patterson AFB is a good example of secularism gone astray. It’s a darn shame...

Letter: Honoring a family’s wish

Talking about death is difficult. As technology advances and new interventions emerge, those conversations get more complex. But dying is as natural as living,...

Lettter: Legend of a man called Ush

I’m not sure how many readers of The Lima News appreciate how fortunate they’ve been to have Tom Usher covering local, regional and statewide...

Letter: Dementia far from funny

I was watching Fox and Friends on April 28 and they said Will Farrell will be in a movie depicting Ronald Reagan in the...