
Letter: Lack of respect causes violence

A disturbing video of a 12-year-old girl, Janissa Valdez, being body slammed by a Texas school police officer was released on the internet. This...

Letter: Prison farms worked well

When I saw the announcement from Ohio Prison Director Gary Mohr phasing out the prison farms, all I could do was shake my head...

Letter: Help the Red Cross help others

The American Red Cross of West Central Ohio is holding its 2016 Giving Day on Thursday, April 21. The one-day event is designed to...

Letter: Hospice volunteers are special people

April is National Volunteer month. Putnam County Hospice celebrates their wonderful team of volunteers who bring compassion, support, and friendship to those facing a...


Thoughts on two issues:• Gun control: I believe in the 2nd amendment and also have a concealed carry permit. In today’s society you just...

Governmentsadds to pain

I am very concerned with what our state government and federal government is doing to disabled people 50 years old and older.We worked our...

Letter: 10 years late, $13 million short

U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown has introduced the Clean Water Affordable Act to help communities upgrade their sewer systems to comply with the Clean Water...

Letter: Two groups get ‘shout-out’

I wanted to give a big shout-out to two groups:• First, to the Allen East SADD program for standing in the freezing cold Friday...

Letter: Act of kindness appreciated

On March 23, I was dining at The Old Barn Outback and when I went to pay my bill, I was informed that a...

Letter: Paul Woehlke a man of honor

I was deeply saddened to read about the passing of Paul Woehlke, human being extraordinaire.Paul’s compassion, steadfast moral compass, and genuine goal for doing...