
Letter: No wonder people move out of Lima

A port-a-potty, really?What will people think of next to irritate a neighbor and make their neighborhood look “crappy?” This woman actually sends her guests...

Letter: GOP must rally around Trump

Donald Trump was not my first choice, or even my second choice, but for the sake of the United States, the people will have...

Letter: Everyone made school year great

In light of the rough start to our school year at Ottawa Glandorf Local Schools, I would like to take a moment to say...

Letter: Thanks for making Bowl a Thon a success

On behalf of the Children’s Developmental Center of Lima, I would like to express a heartfelt thank-you to all the generous people who made...

Letter: Transgender overreaction

Mark Figley’s view in the May 10th issue of The Lima News sees the opposition to the North Carolina bill (HB-2) attempting to force...

Letter: Device would have helped police find autistic child

At work recently we were approached by police officers who were searching for an autistic child who had wandered away from his home. This...

Letter: Now’s time to be heard

I checked the Pew report and did not find the exact figures Mr. Gratz did in his May 15 letter concerning religous faith. It...

Letter: Human error not criminal

This letter is in response to the Editorial ( by the L.A. Times ) reprinted on May 6th in The Lima News: “A slap...

Lette: Power lines not a health risk

The Lima News editorial supported the Port Authority of Allen County rejection of Apex Clean Energy’s planned power transmission line based on “the health...

Opinion Baby M case: Allen County Children Services oversteps authority

Kelly Anderson and I are the court-designated, pre-finalization adoptive parents of Baby M.The Mercer County Probate Court has found that Baby M’s birthmother had...