Real Life Mama: A vacation to remember

Do you know what the best part of vacation is? All of it. Do you know what the worst part is? When it is over.

In June, we took the best trip starting with my cousin’s beautiful wedding on the beach and then spending a full week down in Florida. We had planned for it since last year. It was something to look forward to, a time to recharge and get away from it all. And then, just like that, it was over.

Don’t get me wrong, we absolutely lived it up. In fact, new this year, we tried something on the drive and actually had a blast. Early into our commute down, I found a thriller book and downloaded it so we could listen to it in the car. Originally, since we were driving through the night, it was something fun for Lee and me to listen to and keep us awake. However, shortly into it, Randall and Maylie woke up and started asking questions about what they missed.

Throughout the night, as we took turns driving and taking catnaps, the book played, and we filled each other in. Maylie missed this part but was awake for another and could explain it. Randall had a prediction, but Lee thought it was something else. And then part 2 hit and we were all thrown for a loop!

At one point, Maylie even told me she didn’t need to watch movies anymore, that this was way more fun! In fact, once we arrived at our destination, it was raining anyway, and we had less than an hour left in the book, so we took the long roads to pick up groceries and finish it.

This made for some great conversations throughout the week — and the best part was when I found the sequel — so we knew we had entertainment for the ride home! I never would have thought to share in this experience with the kiddos, but it was so much fun!

Throughout the week, we had some rain and double red flags at the ocean that tried to put a damper on our stay, but we made the best of it. These kiddos were taught the infamous card game “bull crap” and got to work on their lying (or I got to see their faces as they tried ha)!

When the sun did come out, we were able to soak up the sand (and watch Lee build sand art sculptures that were out of this world) and get our swimming on in the pool. Reagan even met a new bestie from Texas that she clung to for a few days. Her family taught us how to go crabbing and we quickly fell in love with that activity!

I will admit, vacation was a little different for me this year. Typically, vacation has meant kicking back and throwing down a few cold ones. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted — everyone on the beach had a drink in their hands and a cooler full next to them. But, Lee and I found some flavored sparkling water — peach and pineapple- yum! And we stuck to it.

Waking up fresh each day, no groggy afternoons in need of a nap and really soaking in the entire trip actually made the vacation seem longer. And, who doesn’t want a longer vacation?

We still got our thrills in while we were away. Maylie, Reagan and cousin Brandy flew through the sky on some ziplines while Lee, Randall, Lynds, cousin Bray and I swung through the clouds parasailing. Inside of me, I had nerves flip-flopping while we were on the boat as we headed out, but the clarity, breeze, calm and freedom of being on in the sky was electrifying!

Overall, the trip was stupendous — so many memories made and about 2000 photos taken. Ha! As I look back through them so grateful for the experience and time spent with my family (the whole crew – since we shacked up with my sis and were right next door to my parents and other sis), I cannot help being overwhelmed by sadness that it is over.

I know, I know! I preach to my kids all the time to be thankful for the time you had and not dwell on things being over! But, man, it is hard! My babies will never be this age again — and while another vacation is in the books, it is one less that I will have with them during their childhood.

No regrets here, though! I am thankful to be able to afford this year’s adventure, thankful for all the time spent with all of my family and my babies and thankful for a beautiful location to spend it in.

And while the worst part about vacation is when it is over, it also opens up the door for the next best part: planning vacation for next year!

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mother. She lives in Bath Township with her daughters and writing inspirations, Maylie and Reagan.