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Legal-Ease: Is Ohio getting stricter seatbelt laws?


In April, Gov. Mike DeWine gave his State of the State Address. In the annual address, the governor addresses the state by highlighting the goals and accomplishments of the state. Additionally, the governor often announces new initiatives. The state of the state address is held as a joint session of the Ohio General Assembly in the House Chambers of the Ohio Statehouse.

Legal-Ease: Three components when analyzing a contract


Contracts tend to involve people who make different promises to and agreements with each other. Those people who agreed with each other and are making different promises and agreements are called the “parties.”

Legal-Ease: Checklist for businesses once legally formed


Once you meet with an attorney and have set up your new business, you may be asking yourself, “Now what?” Once you have all the legal documents in place and your new business, like an LLC, is legally set up with the state, you are able to finish the following checklist.

Legal-Ease: Locating lost, misplaced government-issued numbers


We all like to think we are organized and will be able to find particular paperwork if and when we need it. Some of our most important paperwork a lot of people, like myself, keep in a lock box at their home. However, there could be unfortunate circumstances beyond our control that destroy our home (tornados, fires, floods, etc.) and result in lost or misplaced government-issued numbers.

Legal-Ease: Can Ohio businesses have nicknames?


People have nicknames for their friends and family members when they do not wish to use formal legal names.

Legal-Ease: What elements make a valid will?


Many people will try to cut corners to try to save a few dollars. That could mean trying to paint your own house instead of hiring a professional painter, or maybe trying to do your own landscaping instead of hiring a professional landscaper.

Legal-Ease: Lost or misplaced? Circumstances matter


I have a hard time keeping track of my cell phone, and of course most times my cell phone ringer is off. I tend to spend some time searching for my cell phone before I cave and resort to calling my missing phone in hopes of locating it quicker. I tend to carry multiple phones (a work phone and a personal phone), so I usually can use one phone to call the other phone without having to ask for someone’s assistance in locating my misplaced phone.

Legal-Ease: Avoiding probate but owning your house till death


Most people have goals for what they wish to achieve in the next 10 years, five years, five months, that day or even in the next hour. Short-term and long-term goals are a good and healthy way to ensure you stay focused, stay motivated and that you improve your overall productivity. We might not meet our goals every time, but we still can ensure that we are working towards them.

Legal-Ease: How much can I gift this year without reporting it?


Recently I have found myself shopping for birthday gifts for many family members, including my husband and multiple nephews, all of whom have March birthdays. Luckily for me, they are spread out with a birthday seemingly every week, giving me time to look for the perfect gift for each of them.

Legal-Ease: Keeping things confidential in a public world


In a world where everything seems to be public, it is hard at times to escape from everyone being “in our personal life.”