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Legal-Ease: Powers of a financial power of attorney


Some people like to draw up their own legal documents without hiring an attorney. Whether that means a person writes his own will or that a person writes her own power of attorney, both if done and executed properly can be legal documents in Ohio.

Legal-Ease: Can the state just take my property from me?


There are a lot of roads and bridges in our area under construction. Some are under construction due to being worn down from everyday wear and tear. Others are under construction to remedy safety hazards such as dangerous intersections.

Legal-Ease: Ohio deed fraud on the rise


When you purchase real property, you attend a closing (which is not always in person) and the seller(s) sign(s) a deed to you as buyer. This deed identifies the property (with a legal description approved by the county tax map office). Upon the deed getting executed the deed then gets recorded by the title company in the county recorder’s office. In most cases, the original deed then gets returned to the buyer after recording.

Legal-Ease: Types and the roles of a trust


When you buy a piece of furniture at the store or online, it doesn’t always come put together. Thus, you might have that sometimes dreaded job of figuring out the sequence to assemble the furniture in order to enjoy it for its intended purpose. In most instances when a piece of furniture requires some assembly, the furniture will come with directions.

Legal-Ease: Circumstances that terminate powers of attorney


We can obviously make our own decisions while we are alive. However, we may someday find ourselves in circumstances where we cannot make our own decisions. Such circumstances arise most frequently in the context of accidents, illnesses (physical or mental) and simple old age. Other times, we may be able but unwilling or not desiring to make our own decisions.

Legal-Ease: How to become a notary public in Ohio


A lot of documents require signatures to be signed with a notary public, from deeds to car titles to powers of attorney.

Legal-Ease: Research a property’s ownership and lien history before purchase


When a good deal comes up, whether that be when you find a bargain deal on a blouse or the perfect throw pillow for your guest room, most people love to find deals and rush to purchase the item when they find it.

Legal-Ease: What does it mean that your documents are being electronically recorded?


Electronic recording, also known as e-recording, is a method of delivering and returning executed documents electronically to a county recorder from a submitter.

Legal-Ease: What are EIN/TINs, and when are they needed?


The IRS will issue unique numbers to identify various businesses, trusts and relationships. These numbers are referred to as Employer Identification Numbers. Sometimes the EIN will also be called the federal Tax Identification Number, and this TIN is the same thing as an EIN.

Legal-Ease: Sharing the road with bicyclists


As the weather gets warmer, more and more people start to spend time outside enjoying the nice weather. This means more people are taking walks with pets and loved ones.