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Tag: Grindrod

John Grindrod: A collection of thoughts from Archlandia

First Posted: 8/18/2014As I travel for work and look for places to do some iPad work, I find myself in a whole lot of...

John Grindrod: Baseball’s cursed charm, its hall of infamy

First Posted: 3/4/2014After a long winter’s slumber, baseball, our nation’s oldest of the three major sports and my favorite, is back. And, while there...

John Grindrod: 9 years after the classroom, still some lingering resentment

First Posted: 3/31/2014When it comes to school matters, a year away from my 10-year anniversary of leaving my last classroom, I’ve spent very little...

John Grindrod: My first Keno and the siren song of the big score

First Posted: 2/4/2014When it comes to games of chance, I’ve never been much of a Brett Maverick. Now, I realize an allusion to James...

John Grindrod: Life on the road

First Posted: 12/1/2014Often, I’ll answer the call of the open road. And, as I expressed to you a few weeks ago, when I do...

John Grindrod: 2013 saw no abatement in playing the blame game

First Posted: 1/7/2014Of course, as each year with which we are all blessed plays out, as the news cycle spins, our vocabulary evolves. Words...

John Grindrod: Hillary, your ‘dead broke’ isn’t quite the same as others’

First Posted: 5/30/2014For those of you who know me, you know I’m really not very political, so this certainly will be an unusual column....

John Grindrod: A tip of the baseball cap to an American hero

First Posted: 6/23/2014Well, it’s almost time for another Fourth of July, that holiday that acknowledges that summer and all its glorious traditions, at least...

John Grindrod: The anatomy of a mistake, by this century’s “Bonehead” Merkle

First Posted: 3/31/2014As I logged onto limaohio.com last Wednesday from the road to check my column, I had an uneasy feeling, as in, some...