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Jay Ambrose: China poses a threat to the whole world


Chinese President Xi Jinping recently warned the United States not to “play with fire” over Taiwan. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi decided to play with fire by showing up, chatting with Taiwanese leaders, offering citizens a moment of hope and giving Xi an excuse for violence.

Carl P. Leubsdorf: Will Trump hand Senate to Democrats again?


Nineteen months ago, Donald Trump’s fixation on unproven allegations of election fraud played a major role in the Republicans’ loss of two U.S. Senate seats in Georgia and, with them, their Senate majority.

Thomas Suddes: Ohio reps voted for marriage equality


A shout-out and a standing ovation for eight Ohio members of the U.S. House, including four Ohio Republicans, who stood up to protect same-sex and interracial marriage.

Holy Cow! History: History’s greatest grudge match


Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will face off again for the presidency in 2024. At least that’s what political insider Dick Morris tells anyone who will listen. He’s garnishing that prediction by claiming it will be “one of the greatest political rematches of all time.”

Mark Figley: Biden, big tech bow to China


Three weeks following the November 2020 election, a Chinese professor was caught on a YouTube video, bragging about how Beijing had systematically embedded itself within America’s core system of influence, with Wall Street elites actively promoting its interests. Also telling was his bemoaning of Donald Trump’s efforts to reverse this arrangement while gushing over the fact that Joe Biden would make things “better” again, an oxymoronic statement if there ever was one.

Jerry Zezima: Big wheels keep on running


Young people who have found the balance in life know that you never forget how to ride a bike. Old guys who are unbalanced know that you never forget how to run after a bike.

Leonard Pitts Jr.: The year things got real


“There’s a choice we’re making. We’re saving our own lives.” — from “We Are The World”

Michael Reagan: Who got America into this mess?


Lots of perplexed Americans are asking the question, “How did we get here?”

David Trinko: Feeling close when it matters most


Just being near her reminds me that everything is going to be all right.

Lori Borgman: Oh baby, this could be hairy


Just when you think the headlines can’t get any more eye-popping, along comes a story about underarm hair for women making a comeback as a potential tool of empowerment.