
Ex-etiquette: When there’s a difference in routine


Q. My husband and I have been married almost 4 years and I have a 7-year-old bonus daughter. Our morning routine consists of five people (including my son and a new baby) taking showers, eating breakfast, dressing … the normal hectic schedule of most households on a school morning!

Sleep your way to better athletic performance


EAU CLAIRE, Wis. — Sleep might not be at the top of the list when you think about ways to boost your athletic performance.

Mayo Clinic Minute: How to jump-start your workout


Many people promise to exercise more in the new year, but jump-starting your workout routine can be challenging if you’ve been sitting on the couch for a while. It can seem like a daunting task.

Yowie’s hotel rooms double as showrooms, where almost everything is for sale


PHILADELPHIA — Shannon Maldonado, founder and creative director of Yowie hotel, designs each of the rooms around a special something, something.

Recipes for the prime month of citrus season


PITTSBURGH — It’s pretty easy to feel blue on a dreary, colorless day in January in Pittsburgh.

Rejoice (quietly) at this silent book club


SEATTLE — Outside of C & P Coffee in West Seattle, a couple sits cocooned in their winter coats. A gentleman is wearing a gray fedora, black spectacles midway down his nose, eyebrows bunched together. A woman to his right is wearing a blue knit hat, a curtain of silver hair peeking out beneath, gloved fingers clutching a book called “The Origins of You.”

Reminisce: Gene Wollenhaupt — a musician of all sorts


In 1952, Gene Wollenhaupt, fresh out of high school, joined the musician’s union because, he told the Lima News in August 2010, “If you were a musician of any sort, you belonged to the union.”

LSO to perform Music by Candlelight


LIMA — Last year, the Lima Symphony Orchestra tried something different with its Music by Candlelight shows.

‘Succession’ dominates drama Emmys


LOS ANGELES — “Succession” secured its legacy with its third best drama series award, “The Bear” feasted as the night’s top comedy, and the two shows about squabbling families dominated the acting awards at Monday night’s Emmys.

Lima Public Library Book Reviews