Letter: Huffman seeks opinions, listens

I am writing to share my support for Matt Huffman for state senate and to ask others to do the same.

I have personally known Matt and his family for nearly 20 years in many different capacities. I have watched him coach my kids, sat next to him in church, at school functions, and community events. He has been my lawyer, my patient and my golf partner. I’ve observed the way he interacts with kids, their parents, his own family, his constituents, his colleagues, the professional community and the media. He is approachable, easy to talk to, and knowledgeable.

Over the years Matt has asked for my opinions and experience regarding issues affecting health care and the medical profession. I am grateful for a legislator who is willing to listen and to bring the best ideas of his constituents to Columbus.

From his days as City Council president through his time serving as our state representative, Matt has shown the humility and demeanor I expect from the people we elect to represent us. I urge you to cast your vote for Matt Huffman to be our next State Senator.

— Dr. Ed Tremoulis, Lima