Letter: Blakely comes prepared for job

We’re in the midst of vetting candidates for the president of the United States, a task much like interviewing applicants for employment, only with higher stakes.

As we suffer the political mayhem, some politicians vilifying their opponents and a few exaggerating their own self-importance, there walks among us a dedicated patriot who has, for several years, quietly and diligently become involved in many levels of government. She’s traveled Ohio extensively, educating herself on the perils of intrusive government in health care, education, property rights, and immigration laws, among others. She’s in turn shared her findings with many along the way.

That’s why I believe Cheryl Blakely would be a competent candidate for State Republican Central Committee. Having had experience serving on our local Republican Central Committee, she would work to unite our Republican party and not continue to splinter it as has been happening for several years. How refreshing!

These primary elections and subsequent November elections are perhaps the most critical in my lifetime. When we note how many citizens prefer government assistance over personal responsibility, we know we’re in a downward spiral. Utopia is unsustainable. Elections have consequences; not voting can have dire consequences.

If you cherish genuine conservative principles, believe in liberty afforded us by our Constitution, want to preserve our First and Second Amendment rights, support limited government and Christian values, I encourage you to join me next month and choose Cheryl Blakely as our Republican Central Committee representative in this eleven-county Senate District 1. It might be a good place to start mending our ailing party.

— Sondra Bixby, Findlay