Letter: No choice but to move fireworks

I have been asked by a number of people on the street as to why the annual Van Wert 4th of July fireworks event was moved from the Van Wert Airport to the Van Wert High School.

Apparently there has been some misinformation spread by some people looking to score political points on this issue, and it is my hope to set the record straight. The simple answer: The Federal Aviation Administration said no.

When our airport receives a federal grant such as the one for this year’s pavement rehabilitation project, the airport pledges to abide by a number of standards required by the federal government. One such requirement states: “Any proposal to temporarily close the airport for non-aeronautical purposes must first be approved by the Secretary”0f Transportation of the United States.

Your airport authority participated in a teleconference with the FAA Detroit Airports District Office on Dec. 1, 2014,were advised the Federal Aviation Administration would not allow closure of the airport for the annual fireworks event.

Josh Johnson, Van Wert

Josh Johnson is a trustee with the Van Wert County Regional Airport Authority.