Letter: Amazing to see the good in people

I would like to thank The Lima News, WLIO and the United Way of Greater Lima for sending me to Washington DC as the representative for the Jefferson Awards for the greater Lima area. This experience as one my wife and I will never forget. The accommodations were fantastic and the awards ceremonies were like no other I have ever been to. It was very amazing to see all the good that is being done in the world by good people. It also is very humbling realizing all the need that is out there. It makes you realize that everyone needs to step up and try to change their spot in the world and this is what God is trying to get us to accomplish just take care of your neighbor and the world will be a better place.

The Lima News and WLIO along with the United Way have done this numerous times with all the events that you sponsor and participate in. I would like to say think you again and as they say in Scouting, do a good turn daily. To all the Lima area winners of the Jefferson Awards, keep up the good work that you do because without people like yourself the world would be an unhappy place.

Randy and Chris Kohli, Lima