Editorial: Education gap growing in Ohio

A national assessment on education delivered troubling news for Ohio. Not only has the state slipped from 18th last year to 23rd today (after ranking fifth only six years ago), but Education Week’s Quality Counts rankings also exposed an alarming flaw in the state’s education system: Ohio has one of the widest gaps on national test scores between students of poverty and those of higher incomes.

In that category, Ohio ranked 43rd in the nation.

Each year, Ohio Graduation Test scores show wealthier districts outpace uban school districts where poverty rates are higher. This, of course, is no phenomena.

Most studies prove that students from poor homes aren’t as likely to have as many books in the home or be read to by their parents. Children ages 6 and 7 also aren’t as likely to participate in special lessons or extra-curricular activities, The Washington Post reported last year. This income-based achievement gap can stick with a young student into adulthood, putting them at a disadvantage when they join the workforce.

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