Lima man honored at state conference

WILMINGTON (TNS) — At a statewide conference decorated like scenes from “Star Wars,” Ohioans with disabilities and their caregivers were urged to use the force to stop abuse.

“There is an epidemic of abuse and neglect in our disabilities community,” Liz Paprocki, of Disability Rights Ohio, an advocacy organization, told 500 people attending the People First of Ohio annual conference at the Roberts Centre on Friday. “Use your own voice to speak out for yourself and others.”

That’s advice Jim Polutnik, 42, has been following most of his life.

The Lima resident has had cerebral palsy since birth and now has limited use of his arms and legs. Polutnik hasn’t let that stop him from becoming one of the state’s most outfront and verbal advocates for people with disabilities. He received the Advocate of the Year award from People First on Friday.

“I want to make a difference everywhere I can,” Polutnik said in an interview. “There’s people out there that don’t have a voice. I want to be their voice and say ‘enough is enough.’ I’m not going to rest until there no abuse is reported.”

When he was born, doctors told Polutnik’s mother that because of his disability, there was no hope for him to live a productive life. “Put him in front of the TV. He’ll never amount to anything.”

“Well, look at me today,” he said proudly displaying his award.

Renee Goodwin of Auglaize County, one of Polutnik’s caregivers, said he is “very passionate about his role in People First and being an advocate. “He teaches me. I’ve learned a lot from Jim.”

People with developmental and physical disabilities are often targets of abuse.

A Columbus Dispatch investigation last fall exposed a tattered safety net for developmentally disabled Ohioans who are three times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, assault and other crimes.

While Ohio has an extensive system for reporting physical and sexual assault and abuse against those with disabilities, few accused of wrongdoing are placed on a state registry aimed at preventing future victimization, and even less are ever prosecuted.

The disabled sometimes don’t realize they were assaulted or abused or they have difficulty communicating what happened. Some are afraid to report abuse because their attackers frequently are family members or caregivers whom they rely on. Those who do tell often have their complaints ignored or dropped by law enforcement.

That is where Sadie Hunter and People First come in. Hunter, who is executive director of the 17-year-old advocacy organization, has a shoestring budget to provide training to people with disabilities about how to avoid sexual, physical, verbal and financial abuse. She gets some funding from the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities and Disability Rights Ohio.

The theme of the conference, faithful to the Star Wars motif, was in big silver letters on a screen, “The power to stop abuse is within you.”

The three-day conference included sessions on reporting abuse and neglect, improving health, including dental health, increasing the power of communication, avoiding problems with alcohol and drugs, and a primer on human trafficking.

More information about People First is available at

By Alan Johnson

The Columbus Dispatch

Columbus Dispatch reporter Catherine Candisky contributed to this story.