Youth Profile: 2 Auglaize County 4-H’ers receive award for contributions to fair

WAPAKONETA — Two 4-H’ers were named recipients of the Eric Vogel Memorial Award, which honors junior fair board members for their commitment to making the Auglaize County Fair a success.

Amanda Lehmkuhl, a senior at Minster High School, and Jessica Fisher, a Wapakoneta High School graduate and freshman at Wright State University Lake Campus, received a certificate for winning the award, and their names will be added to a memorial plaque located in the county’s junior fair building.

“I felt very honored to be chosen by my fellow junior fair board members,” Lehmkuhl said. “It made me realize that they thought of me as a hard worker.”

For Fisher, having her name enshrined on the memorial plaque was especially rewarding.

“My brother got the same award one year, so I think it’s awesome to have my name next to his because I’ve always looked up to him,” Fisher said.

The award is given annually to two junior fair board members who have shown leadership to the board through their hard work and who exemplify the qualities of a junior fair board member, according to a news release from the Ohio State University Auglaize County Extension. It also serves as a memorial to Eric Vogel, an active 4-H member who died in an automobile accident in 1981.

Both Fisher and Lehmkuhl have been in 4-H since they were children, and have taken on leadership roles throughout their years in the club and on the junior fair board.

Fisher was this year’s junior fair board vice president, served on fair court and was chairperson of the beef committee. She had also served as her 4-H club’s secretary and president for two years each.

“I’ve always been a leader and not a follower my whole life,” Fisher said when asked why she wanted to take on leadership roles. “I don’t like to be in the shadows, I want to be out there getting things done.”

Lehmkuhl is vice president of her 4-H club, served as secretary of this year’s junior fair board and was the swine committee chairperson.

“It makes me feel good to work with all the other 4-H exhibitors and to help them out with their projects,” Lehmkuhl said. “I really enjoy getting to play a part in helping run the fair.”

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Amanda Lehmkuhl Lehmkuhl

Jessica Fisher Fisher

By John Bush

[email protected]

Reach John Bush at 567-242-0456 or on Twitter @bush_lima