
What are Blue Zones?


There are five “Blue Zones” around the world, and the people who live in these areas are 10 times likelier than Americans to reach age 100. The name comes from the blue circles researchers drew on the map when identifying them.

Ex-Etiquette: Good manners mean you don’t show up unannounced


Q. My wife and I have been married for seven months and she is having a real problem with the transition. This was complicated by the fact that yesterday, two hours after the kid exchange, my wife and I are in bed and my ex is pounding on the front door because my kid left something behind. My wife is furious and will barely talk to me. There has to be a better way. What’s good ex-etiquette?

Fall books a mix of literary and commercial favorites


NEW YORK — Anticipation for one of fall’s likeliest bestsellers has been growing all year.

FroSkate skateboarders have their own Nike shoe


CHICAGO — Three years. That’s how long it’s been since members of the froSkate community rolled onto Chicago’s skateboarding landscape with skatepark meetups for BIPOC femme, queer, trans and nonbinary people to learn the sport among one another. Now the skate crew has its own shoe — their first collaboration — and it’s with Nike SB.

Stylish straps for purse and backpack


Dear Answer Angel Ellen: I bought a cute mini backpack — big enough to hold my iPad — from Target (Athleisure Mini Square Backpack — A New Day,, $25), which I’m planning to use instead of a purse on a trip in the fall. It has a handle — to carry as a purse — but I’d like the option of wearing it as a crossbody bag. It has hardware for a shoulder strap, but that didn’t come with it. Where can I buy a strap with the appropriate clip hardware? I’ve looked at belts, but they don’t have the right attachment clips and there is no way I’ve got the do-it-yourself skills to fabricate one myself.

Back-to-school time is expensive


MINNEAPOLIS — The back-to-school marathon is in full sprint and testing parents’ sanity.

On Nutrition: Do your kids eat right?


This is interesting. Researchers from Cornell University conducted phone interviews with teens in New York City to explore how they define the word “snack.” Overall, the adolescents defined a snack as “a small, unhealthy food item that can be quickly eaten to reduce hunger between meals.”

Do you need a polio booster shot?


Adults who doubt they have been fully vaccinated against polio should talk to their doctors about getting additional shots, experts say.

Is intermittent fasting good for weight loss?


DEAR MAYO CLINIC: A friend told me that she is fasting to lose weight. I’ve tried many diets over the years without much success, so I’m thinking about trying fasting, too. Is intermittent fasting a healthy way to lose weight? Is this just skipping a meal occasionally or is there more to it?

See this week’s revised 360 section

A design error led to many incorrect pages appearing in this week's 360 section. The corrected section will be included in Friday's edition of...