
Letter: Lucente’s right, abortion is murder

Thank you, Thomas Lucente, for your excellent article on abortion. You said it very well.I am “pro-choice,”, which, to me, means every woman has...

Letter: BGSU’s duty to its neighbors

I was one who attended the forum regarding the possible sale of valuable assets of WBGU television, which belongs to Bowling Green State University....

Letter: Bent over barrel by oil companies

On Wednesday both domestic and brent oil closed at a six-year low and has been declining in recent weeks. Yet the price of gasoline...

Letter: Putting trust in BGSU president

A university is a complex organization. Few of us have opportunity to know of its many intricacies or to understand their interrelationships. While most...

Letter: Tail wags, purrs to Charity Car Show

Every year, two generous gentlemen hold a charity car show. All money is donated to 501c3 charities. This year we were chosen to be...

Letter: Remember to visit those who are lonely

The message that I am trying to convey here is never forget to love. Never forget that peace is the answer to everything, and...

Letter: The Lima News overplays race card

Why does The Lima News have a fascination with comparisons of arrests among blacks and whites? Time after time it presents partial analysis and...

Letter: Railroad underpass has falling concrete

The railroad underpass located on Collett Street needs some serious attention. Concrete is falling from the sidewalls and overhead.Who is responsible for the maintenance...

Letter: A ‘night out’ to remember

I would like to thank all who were involved in this year’s Night Out Against Crime in downtown Lima. This was the first time...

Letter: Great cause, but no media

On a recent Saturday night at Westgate Lanes in Lima, WAR Wrestling was once again doing what they do. They were raising money for...