
Letter: To the few who stand the watch

For the dedication of those who stand the watch at Lima’s federal building without pay and often without appreciation, my wife and I must...

Letter: Union chief offers flip side to Warnock’s tenure

Last week The Lima News gave praise to Roy Warnock for his contribution to Lima. Easy to do when he is handing out money....

Letter: Trump’s a loud mouth, but he’s right

We have a chance to clean the last eight years of mess and have a new beginning by electing Donald Trump as president.Yes, Trump...

Letter: National Labor Relations Act proves to be vital

This year marks the 80th anniversary of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). Signed into law in 1935 by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the...

Letter: My three pet peeves

Message I’ll make this simple.I have three pet peeves.3. Cashiers that say “Do you want the receipt with you or in the bag.” Just...

Letter: Husky helps agency stretch dollars

We have a great community business to thank! Recently, Husky Lima Refinery made donations to several local service agencies.With the generosity of Husky’s Golf...

Letter: Army Corp study full of flaws

We were updated at the end of August about the Army Corps studies to remedy our flooding situation:• Squeaky wheels oiled? Magically those pesky...

Letter: Statistics point need for gun control

How can Thomas Lucente believe the Founding Fathers, who penned the 2nd Amendment in the 18th Century, would have the same intent in the...

Firefightersfirst class

I want to say thank you to American Township Fire Department for trying to save my house. Most importantly, they saved my animals. I’ve...

Letter: Trump’s a loud mouth, but he’s right

We have a chance to clean the last eight years of mess and have a new beginning by electing Donald Trump as president.Yes, Trump...