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John Grindrod: Giving Serious Thought to Divesting My Youth


Last fall I happened to catch a Howard Stern interview with someone who certainly is in the conversation as his generation’s greatest troubadour, Bruce Springsteen. In the captivating two-hour interview that covered such a wide range of topics, one portion got me thinking about something more deeply that periodically has crossed my mind over the years.

Reghan Winkler: Get fit, don’t get scammed this year


As the new year begins, many of us set our sights on achieving weight loss goals. If you are at the beginning of your journey, it’s important to be aware of the various weight loss scams being promoted. These scams deceive consumers with false promises and employ questionable business practices.

Equal or fair: neither matters in gifts and inheritances


Over the last few weeks, a certain brother expressed frustration that the brother’s sibling received larger and more frequent gifts from parents of the brother and sibling. That brother also identified how much less love the brother perceived receiving compared to the sibling.

Tom Purcell: Laughing your way to happiness


What makes us happy and fulfilled?

Ron Lora: Politics and morality


Has there been a politician with a more glaring history of lying than George Santos from Long Island, who in November won a U.S. congressional race? There seems no limit to the fantasies of his mind.

Clarence Page: What’s the Supreme Court’s Title 42 case about? Hint: It’s not the...


Amid the constant partisan fussing, feuding and fighting in Washington these days, I was gratified — however briefly — by a moment of bipartisan agreement at the Supreme Court.

Christine Flowers: Are we slowly drifting back into ‘the twilight zone’?


When you have the beginning of a cold, nothing sparkly to wear and you really hate New Year’s, you watch television. If a certain station has the good sense to run a marathon of vintage Twilight Zone episodes, your choice is made from the moment you hear “doo dee da doo, doo dee da doo” coming from what you think is your flat screen-but which could, in fact, originate from another planetary system.

Holy Cow! History: Congress’ champion truth-stretcher


If the title Congressional Truth-Stretching Champion is ever awarded, there would be an Olympic-scale competition to claim it. Politicians in general, and members of Congress in particular, take a certain wiggle room with telling the truth.

Jerry Zezima: You’ve still got mail


I like to think outside the box, mainly because I can’t fit inside the box. And even if I could, I would suffocate.