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Lori Borgman: Rising to the sourdough challenge


I made my first loaf of sourdough last week. It took less time to give birth to our first child than it took to make one loaf of bread.

Dr. Jessica Johnson: Vitriol continues in politics


While I was watching the ongoing news reports on the assassination attempt of former President Donald J. Trump recently, I was simultaneously scrolling through social media posts on X.

Legal-Ease: Powers of a financial power of attorney


Some people like to draw up their own legal documents without hiring an attorney. Whether that means a person writes his own will or that a person writes her own power of attorney, both if done and executed properly can be legal documents in Ohio.

David Trinko: Try to enjoy the last ‘first time’


Our youngest daughter was so excited to go to camp last week. I was decidedly less excited.

Lynanne Gutierrez: Young children waiting on adults to act


Are you a family struggling to pay the exorbitant cost of child care?

Holy Cow! History: The assassin, automaker and academy award-winning actress


Admittedly, it sounds like the start of a joke: “So a presidential assassin, a pioneering automaker, and an Academy Award-winning actress walk into a bar …”

John Grindrod: Yard work can become a sentimental journey


There’s something about watching others working around the yard that motivates me to do the same. As for the most common and oft-repeated duties of the yard, well, of course, that would be mowing. Every time one of my neighbors pulls the cord on that mower and begins the back-and-forth process, I have an almost uncontrollable urge to follow suit.

Lori Borgman: When less effort is more


It was a shock to learn the family may be in step with a growing fashion trend. The new look is called “effortless.” It is a look that says, “I randomly grabbed a few things on my way out the door.”

Jerry Zezima: Mr. Bigfoot


This pudgy piggy went to the shoe store.

Dr. Jessica Johnson: Inspiring message of Possum Trot


The film “Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot” begins with a beautiful truth about childhood innocence.