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Bath trustees: Township must find a better way

As the elected representatives of our Bath Township residents, we have a mandate to insure to the degree possible that our residents receive the...

Kathleen Parker: Governing with the enemy

WASHINGTON — When White House staff secretary Rob Porter resigned Wednesday amid allegations that he abused his two ex-wives and a former girlfriend, he...

Gina Barreca: Getting the job done with dignity, respect

If you’d told one of my grandparents, “What I really want from a job is relevance, flexibility and autonomy,” they wouldn’t have thought, “Let’s...

George Will: Play ball, with informed intelligence

WASHINGTON — Even if, inexplicably, you occasionally think about things other than Major League Baseball, consider this: Why are many premier free agents, particularly...

Jay Ambrose: To get Trump, anything goes

Nov. 8, 2016, was despair day, tears and groaning day, disbelief day. Donald Trump had been elected president although everyone knew that could never...

George Will: Snakes on a plane for emotional support?

WASHINGTON — When next you shoehorn yourself into one of America’s ever-shrinking airline seats, you might encounter a new wrinkle in the romance of...

Tom Purcell: Actually, things are pretty good and getting better

“The country is divided. The political rhetoric is getting worse. The world seems to be in a mess.”“Relax, my friend. If you step back...

Kathleen Parker: Karma loves football

WASHINGTON — The delirium over the Philadelphia Eagles’ victory over the New England Patriots seems to have been matched by delight in Tom Brady’s...

Chris Erskine: The camaraderie of traffic jams and how L.A. becomes home

In front of me is a wobbly rental truck, the most lethal vehicle we’ll ever know. In the next lane lives a muscle car...

Andrew Malcolm: Trump’s wish list is grandiose

Watching Washington often seems like standing by some immense merry-go-round where the same faces riding the same issues keep coming around and around, suggesting...