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Gary Franks: Black History Month – The ‘basketballist’


I am a blessed man. I am an American. I am a Black American, a descendant of slaves who has been granted the vast opportunities this country has to offer. Praise God. It did not have to be this way.

Cal Thomas: Gospel on PBS lifts spirits


If you are tired of TV shows like “The Bachelor” where women demean themselves by competing for the “love” of a man; if you are sick of all the shootings and explosions on TV, the canned laughter on sitcoms that mostly aren’t funny (which is why they have to insert canned laughter in the first place); if you want to have your spirit lifted out of the mundane and into the heavens, there is a place you can go.

Robert B. Reich: Who’s Vladimir Putin’s best friend in the world?


The mainstream media doesn’t seem to want to talk about this, but it’s important that America and the world face what seems increasingly clear: Vladimir Putin’s best friend in the world — the person prepared to allow Putin to mount additional wars of aggression in Europe — is the leading Republican contender for president of the United States, Donald Trump.

Holy Cow! History: Wisconsin’s million-dollar blunder


File this in that bulging category, “It seemed like a good idea at the time.”

S.E. Cupp: As GOP collapses, so could USA


“When falls the Coliseum, Rome shall fall.”

John Grindrod: TV, where once it bonded, now, not so much


For those of us who’ve been granted the gift of more time here on earth than was afforded to so many others, we often think of the changes that have occurred during our lives. We have seen so very much in terms of technological advances.

Lori Borgman: Funny what you sometimes remember


I sometimes wonder how accurate childhood memories are. Experts are somewhat divided on the matter; but what aren’t experts divided on?

Cal Thomas: Limiting lawbreakers is still lawbreaking


The satirical Babylon Bee mocks the Senate immigration bill: “New Senate Anti-Murder Bill Caps Murders At 5,000 Per Day.”

Rachel Marsden: Biden bombs Middle East with same excuses that lambasted Trump


PARIS — Does anyone recall the U.S. Congress voting on behalf of the American people to bomb three different Middle Eastern countries this month? Of course not. Because that’s never how things are done. Instead, what ends up happening is that an American president — Joe Biden, most recently — just unilaterally lobs some missiles onto sovereign nations using whatever pretext sounds most convincing to “low information” voters.

Gary Franks: Yes, border crisis is an invasion


Do weapons need to be involved for there to be an invasion? Border states and numerous other states run by Republican governors say no. They would argue that an invasion can be an unwanted overflow or steady stream of people entering your property illegally.